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A member registered Dec 17, 2021

Recent community posts

You should probably update the page to specify the development has currently been abadoned

Hey do you happen to have any information about arcade game studio cabinet? I cannot find anything about it online

replace the pistol with ammo or something so when if appears in a map or a modded enemy drops it, you don't get a useless weapon 

Some feedback

-the rocket sprite and hitbox are different sizes

-the explosions are too small to convey how big the splash damage is

-The rifle (ssg replacement) is too weak

two minor suggestions

-add messages (I know they aren't here because wolfenstein didn't have them, but they're really needed when you have many different ammo types, maybe have them as an option)

-have an option replace the flamethrower or the chaingun for the two unobtainable weapons that share the weapon slot, the electric gun and the rapid fire one respectively.

Could add a way play without the custom enemies, like an option or making the enemies a separate pk3, they turn most levels into hitscanner hell

It's Peak

I don't think there's even a discord server

Is there a way to change the controls?

Are there more upgrades in the full game?

So here is where those sprites come from!